Positive Counseling LLC

Couples counseling helps couples of all types recognize and resolve conflicts and improve their relationships. Through marriage counseling, you can make thoughtful decisions about rebuilding your relationship or going your separate ways. Marriage counseling can also help couples who plan to get married. Premarital counseling can help couples achieve a deeper understanding of each other and iron out differences before marriage.

These 4 communication styles predict relationship failure with over 90% accuracy if the behavior isn't changed.
The Four Horsemen by John Gottman
Blaming is corrosive in relationships.
Brene Brown on Blame

Traditional Counseling Session
Tradition counseling session are booked for a 45 minute session once a week.
Extended Counseling Session
Extended Sessions are counseling sessions booked for 2 or more hours on a single day. Couples who may be interested in extended sessions are couples traveling a distance, couples wanting to jump-start their assessment, couples working through a crisis or couples who enjoy being able to relax in a longer session format. Short breaks are built into the extended session format.
Marathon Counseling Sessions
Marathon sessions are usually booked 4 to 6 hours per day at a time, or for two or more consecutive days. Breaks are built into the schedule. Marathon Therapy is $120 per hour, paid in advance. There is a 3 week cancelation policy. Couples who might benefit from Gottman Marathon Couples Therapy are...
Couples who want a condensed and highly focused intensive approach to specific issues.
Couples who want to jump-start their weekly sessions by completing the assessment
(both joint and individual assessments) and goal setting in an intensive session.
Couples coming from other locations, such as out-of-state.
Click HERE to schedule an appointment.
If you have any questions please call me at 913-775-3663